Rediscovering herbal potential.

Rediscovering herbal potential.


We strive to fit flawlessly in an ecosystem of mutually beneficial living organisms.
It is how responsibly we treat the ecosystem of soil, microbes, plants, and ourselves determines the efficiency of our products.
All our herb complexes are made from our home grown organic herbs, backed by tradition, leading-edge science, and machine learning.

Meet the founders

Mārtiņš Dudelis
Head of product, co-founder

  • holy basil
    since long afternoon runs require endurance;
  • lemon balm
    since listening to Kara Swisher’s Recode Decode demands alertness;
  • rosemary
    since product customisation requires full mental capacity.

Lāsma Aksjonova
CIO, co-founder

  • golden root
    since her five children all want attention;
  • sage
    since data analysis is not possible without full concentration;
  • lavender
    because when your spouse has the same profession there are two competing opinions.

Zane Stiliņa
Medical practitioner

  • milky oats
    since work with patients sometimes is tough on you;
  • valerian
    since travel as her best ‘unwinding’ strategy is not a daily option;
  • stinging nettle
    since determining underlying symptoms requires knowledge and logic.

Jānis Barlo
COO, co-founder

  • Motherwort
    since his guitar is only partially helpful with abnormal heart rhythms;
  • Sweet wormwood
    since his family doctor says so;
  • Chamomile
    since running a new venture can be stressful



How we know what we know.

Our team of physicians and biologists have developed a fresh approach to herbal medicine. Also, we rely on our knowledge on tradition as there are things science can not answer yet. So, while the scientific work is constantly in progress we make sure that our herbs are growing and that they are processed as little as possible.


The reality of no shortcuts.

In the production we use no synthetic and no organic pesticides, artificial fertilisers, irradiation, or biotechnology. Our herbs are grown in the soil with optimal biology and growing conditions. You only get out what you put in.

It draws a close parallel to human health – balanced food, physical activities, and a good sleep is a must to recover and sustain your health. Without this no herb complex will help.


Your infinite worth and uniqueness.

We strongly believe in the notion that each person is a separate object of infinite worth. So are you. We believe that everyone is unique. Therefore, a variety of organic medicinal herbs are mixed to form your herb complex.

Condition for things to work.

We do not oppose to classical medicine, but we believe that plants play an important role in improving our health and that herbal medicine can offer answers where traditional medicine can’t.

Generally we encourage trying herbs, though there might be situations we would strongly recommend seeking a doctor. For things to work communication is a key, thus, we will always seek your feedback.

A letter from the founders

Now our team has grown, but there was time when we were just three of us behind Matter Boon. Almost like heroes form Jerome K. Jerome ’Three Men in a Boat’ i.e. at some point of life we all felt like victims to one hundred and seven fatal maladies. Probably it was then when the prescription of ‘beefsteak, beer, and ten-mile walk’ in a form of ‘herbs’ came across for us.

And we decided to go up the river… We decided to take onboard medics and phytotherapists, partner with local herb farms, get our own farm field, cherish our herbs from seed to harvest, look after all the steps while processing them. All in order to offer a unique product.

Matter Boon Co-founders
Martins Dudelis
Lasma Aksjonova
Janis Barlo

We are rooted in the Baltic sea region. All our herb complexes are made from our home grown organic herbs, adjusted to your specific needs, backed by tradition, leading-edge science, and machine learning.

We are rooted in the Baltic sea region. All our herb complexes are made from our home grown organic herbs, adjusted to your specific needs, backed by tradition, leading-edge science, and machine learning.

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