How to take it


4g of herb mix daily.
Try if before food, if there is any discomfort, try taking after meals instead.


If you choose capsules, the dose is 8 capsules taken together.


If you choose powder, the easiest way is to take 2 teaspoons (4 grams) of herb complex and mix it with warm water. It might be challenging for some, however, it is possible to make a healthy routine, your body will thank you as Herbs Help Everyone.

Depending on your questionnaire results and your chosen health goals your custom complex addresses several goals simultaneously.

Facilitates mental well-being

Contains herbs known to either nourish or nourish and relax nervous system tissues.

Addresses sleep disturbances and hot flushes

Contains herbs known to balance out oestrogen and progesterone levels.

Promotes healthy bones and joints

Contains herbs known to provide necessary minerals, give energy for physical activities, and work towards increased oestrogen and/or testosterone levels.

Supports strong heart

Contains herbs known to impact cholesterol levels by helping to maintain good oestrogen levels.

Addresses vaginal dryness

Contains herbs known to increase oestrogen levels and boost libido.

Regulates fat accumulation

Contains herbs know to improve digestion, give energy for physical activities, help to keep your stress in check.

Other goals set by You

Questionnaire will ask you to set personal goals.

Each complex contains a rigorous selection of herbs to cover different aspects of your health needs.

Oats, Stinging nettle, ST. John’s Wort, Pot marigold, White peppermint, Raspberry, Motherwort, German chamomile, Echinacea, Sage, Lemon balm, Valerian, Hawthorn, Willow herb, Red clover, Chicory, Common plantain, Yarrow, Lavender, Hyssop, Wormwood, Oregano, Evening primrose, Mugwort, Borage, Blackcurrant, Caraway, Soya, Chinese peony, Coltsfoot, Field horsetail, Elderberry, Dandelion, Meadowsweet, Hop, Dill, Rose root, Buckwheat, Heather, Water Mint, Wild thyme.

See our Herb Index to find out more.

Our certified organic herbs have clear and traceable origin, they are tested to be safe, and are processed as little as possible to preserve their pharmacological activity.

Which format to choose ?

Your body absorbs powder more quickly, this is our recommended way of taking dried herbs. We have seen people easily get used to this form and develop a healthy ritual.

Nevertheless, some of our clients keep struggling with taking powder because of its taste and structure, then capsules is the form you should use. Bear in mind that the daily dose is 8 capsules, thus, if you’re one of the people who dread the thought of swallowing a capsule, then please consider taking powder. Choose the method that works best for you.


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